Eccentric Grinder: A Guide to Different Electric Models

Eccentric Grinder: A Guide to Different Electric Models

An electric orbital sander is an indispensable tool for both professional craftsmen and for DIY enthusiasts.

In this article, we will explore some of the best electric orbital sanders on the market, their features, advantages, and disadvantages, as well as what to consider when choosing the right sander for various needs. Whether you're a professional working on large surfaces or a hobbyist tackling smaller projects, understanding the key characteristics of each model will help you make an informed decision.

Key Features to Consider

When choosing an electric orbital sander, it’s important to consider the following features:

  • Power Output: A more powerful motor provides better performance and efficiency, especially for tough sanding tasks.
  • Sanding Area: The size of the sanding pad determines how much surface area you can sand at once.
  • Ergonomics: A comfortable design and grip are essential for reducing fatigue during prolonged use.
  • Dust Extraction System: Some models offer adjustable settings for controlling the distance between the sanding pad and the abrasive paper, which can affect the sanding results.

Each feature contributes to the overall performance, ease of use, and quality of the sanding finish. In the following sections, we will dive deeper into each selected model, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses to help you find the right sander for your needs.

Our selected Orbital Sanders
After reviewing the market, we have selected 6 Orbital Sanders from affordable options to premium models. See our recommendations below.
Price Range: 950 - 1,900 SEK
DeWalt DWE6423
The DeWalt DWE6423 is known for its power and user-friendly design. It has adjustable speed for better control and an ergonomic design that allows for longer use without tiring your hands. Perfect for home users and hobbyists who need a reliable sander for smaller projects.
Power280 W
Sanding Movements per Minute8,000–12,000 opm
Sanding Pad125 mm
Vibration Level3.5 m/s²
Noise Level83 dB(A)
Weight1.28 kg (without cord) 
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  • Dust collection: Microfilter system
  • Slightly short cord limits reach but smooth and easy to handle.
  • Adjustable speed for better control.
  • Lightweight and ergonomic.
  • Good price/performance ratio.
Ease of use
Value for money

Total rating: 8.5/10

Price Range: 2,000 - 2,300 SEK
Milwaukee ROS 125 E
Milwaukee ROS 125 E offers a good balance between compactness and power. It is user-friendly and great for both small and medium sanding tasks. Perfect for home users and professionals who need a lightweight and flexible sander for smaller sanding tasks.
Power300 W
Sanding Movements per Minute7,000–12,000 opm
Sanding Pad125 mm
Vibration Level6.5 m/s²
Noise Level81 dB(A)
Weight1.7 kg (without cord)
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  • Dust collection: Microfilter system
  • Noise level is slightly higher at maximum speed.
  • Compact and easy to handle.
  • Good dust collection and ergonomic.
  • Durable construction.
Ease of use
Value for money

Total rating: 8.3/10

Price Range: 2,900 - 3,500 SEK
Makita BO6030
Makita BO6030 is a lightweight and affordable sander that offers a good balance between performance and price. It is easy to use and suitable for both beginners and more experienced users. Perfect for beginners or home use where ease of use and good value are key factors.
Power310 W
Sanding Movements per Minute4,000–10,000 opm
Sanding Pad150 mm
Vibration Level3.0 m/s²
Noise Level77 dB(A)
Weight2.3 kg (without cord)
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  • Dust collection: Bag
  • Slightly heavier but powerful and stable for larger surfaces.
  • Lightweight with good ergonomics.
  • Good price/performance ratio.
  • Great for small sanding jobs and finer work.
Ease of use
Value for money

Total rating: 8.8/10

Price Range: 4,700 - 7,000 SEK
Bosch GET 75-150
Bosch GET 75-150 is a powerful sander perfect for larger surfaces and heavy sanding tasks. It features variable speed and an efficient dust collection system, making it suitable for both professionals and experienced users. Perfect forprofessionals or experienced users working on large surfaces.
Power750 W
Sanding Movements per Minute3,300–7,300 opm
Sanding Pad150 mm
Vibration Level4.5 m/s²
Noise Level79 dB(A)
Weight2.6 kg (without cord)
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  • Dust collection: Microfilter system
  • Price is on the higher side but the features are top-notch.
  • Excellent dust collection.
  • High power for fast processing of large surfaces.
  • Ergonomic design reduces vibration.
Ease of use
Value for money

Total rating: 8.8/10

Price Range: 4,800 - 5,700 SEK
Festool ETS 125 REQ
The Festool ETS 125 REQ is a high-quality orbital sander with excellent precision and low vibration, making it ideal for finer surfaces and detailed work. Perfect for professionals or hobbyists who need fine finishes and detailed work.
Power250 W
Sanding Movements per Minute6,000–12,000 opm
Sanding Pad125 mm
Vibration Level6.0 m/s²
Noise Level71 dB(A)
Weight1.2 kg (without cord)
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  • Dust collection: Systainer system
  • Premium price but unmatched precision and ergonomics.
  • Excellent precision and low vibration.
  • High ergonomics and durable construction.
  • Very good dust management.
Ease of use
Value for money

Total rating: 9.0/10

Price Range: 5,600 - 9,000 SEK
Mirka DEROS 5650CV
Mirka DEROS 5650CV is a lightweight and ergonomic sander with a brushless motor, providing longer lifespan and less maintenance. Perfect for professionals looking for a lightweight and durable sander with good dust collection.
Power350 W
Sanding Movements per Minute4,000–10,000 opm
Sanding Pad150 mm
Vibration Level2.6 m/s²
Noise Level71 dB(A)
Weight1.0 kg (without cord)
Product page Link
  • Dust collection: Active collection system
  • High initial cost but innovative design and minimal vibration.
  • Lightweight and ergonomic design.
  • Excellent dust collection.
  • Brushless motor for longer lifespan.
Ease of use
Value for money

Total rating: 9.5/10

Compare products
#ProductPowerPrice Range (SEK)Price Range
1DeWalt DWE6423280 W950 - 1,900950 - 1,900 SEK
2Milwaukee ROS 125 E300 W2,000 - 2,3002,000 - 2,300 SEK
3Makita BO6030310 W2,900 - 3,5002,900 - 3,500 SEK
4Bosch GET 75-150750 W4,700 - 7,0004,700 - 7,000 SEK
5Festool ETS 125 REQ250 W4,800 - 5,7004,800 - 5,700 SEK
6Mirka DEROS 5650CV350 W5,600 - 9,0005,600 - 9,000 SEK


These six orbital sanders represent some of the best options for both professionals and hobbyists. Depending on the user’s needs, the choice may be between high power and robust construction for larger projects or lighter, ergonomic models for finer work. Each model has its own advantages and disadvantages, but all offer great performance for their specific use cases.

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